Wednesday 20 May 2009


I've let this blog wither away over the last year, but now seems a good time to revive it.  I've been selected to fight Boscawen Ward, here in Truro, for elections to the new unitary authority, One Cornwall.  That's pretty much the Ward I represented as a Carrick District Councillor, so I'm very familiar with the issues, and am able to carry on with the campaigns I've been involved in.  First up, a plan to build 1000 houses on Newham farm, on the edge of Truro.  This application was so premature and poorly thought out, it's hard to see how they thought they'd get it through.  The Officers were against it, Parish Councils surrounding it were against it and just about every Statutory body consulted was against it, even the Police chipped in with 'concerns'.  How often do the Police get involved in Planning?  Stood up and expressed my residents anxieties, got to speak first so set the tone for the meeting.  It was unanimously rejected.  

It would be nice to think the Developers would take all this on board, and come back with a more suitable scheme.  But it looks unlikely.  Afterwards they had a go at me in the corridor. 'Elections, boys, that's what it's all about'.  Are the Police or the Officers or the Statutory bodies standing for election? The Parish's don't have elections till 2013.  So he must mean me. Well I'll oppose overdevelopement in Truro where ever it rears it's ugly head, I've got form for that.  See them at the appeal, I suppose.

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